Friday, September 18, 2009

Wolverine Claws

Characters that fight with multiple blades attached to their hands or fingers to emulate gigantic metal claws. The blades can be actually attached to their limbs, stuck on a glove or gauntlet, or actually be a variation of bladed brass knuckles. Wolverine Claws on a good guy is used to demonstrate Exotic Weapon Supremacy; on a bad guy they show that he or she is especially bloodthirsty and likely Ax Crazy. Any character sporting these will be improbably effective with them. When these weapons are unsheathed, they often make a distinct "snikt!" noise or some variant.

Weapons of these type are presumably easier to conceal and use in close quarters, depending on the size and nature of the blades. However, in fights involving larger weapons they would be less effective considering their limited reach compared to a sword or naginata.

Weapons of these type were actually used in early civilizations. The Bagh Nakh, or Tiger's Claw, was developed in India for self-defense and used by the first Maratha Emperor Shivaji. Ninjas also used Nekode (Cat's Paw) for fighting and Tekagi-Shuko for utilitarian purposes, such as climbing trees.

Artificial Limbs and Swiss Army Appendages may be modified to feature Wolverine Claws. Subtrope of Blade Below The Shoulder.

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